Louise Sullivan starts as vender at her father's grocery.


Caroline gets married to Louise Sullivan and they start a shop with charms and potions next to The Red Rooster at Nooxy Joint, Sullivan and Sukri.

They are getting their hebs from the Gwenn and Gina Cronan, who grow herbs at Nooxy Joint.


Caroline Sukri missed traveling and she and Louise Sullivan, so they decide on having a waggon build, where Caroline Sukri can travel around getting more charms and potion for the shop, whilst Louise Sullivan stays home, running their shop on her own at Nooxy Joint.


Peter Mann, a young carpenter at Nooxy Joint, are in love with the nice of Louise Sullivan, Ellen Haxby, and they pursuade him to build a waggon for them, which are finished in 481.


Early Autumn, Caroline Sukri is kissing Louise Sullivan goodbye, and heads out for the harvest in her waggon.

Shaun Thoth tells Louise Sullivan about the disaece, Meredith Bones had got. Louise do not know the desice, but if the baby balsam gives ease, Shaun Thoth can have plenty of it.

Louise Sullivan don't have much experience with the act of copulating with men, but she'll consulting with her wife, Madam Sukri, when she's returning.

Christmas, Louise Sullivan tells Caroline Sukri about the disaece, Meredith Bones has caught, and Caroline Sukri don't know about it eather, but if her balsam ease the pain, it will do for now.

Caroline Sukri evented the balsam as a grease to ease her pain, when she worked as a Broom maker at Mount Fay, but it seems to have multiple purpose. She'll look in to it.


Early Autumn, Caroline Sukri is leaving for Shafton Shire.


Spring Equinox, Madam Sukri returns to Nooxy Joint.

Midsummer, Hillary and Roger Full entering the shop of Sukri and Sullivan to buy the contraception potion.

Louise Sullivan is wondering, what Roger Full is going to use the contraception potion for since he's so young.

Roger Full tells, he's sweet on a girl, and he likes to present her with contraception potion.

Louise Sullivan is chocked, he intends to charm a girl with contraception potion. He at lest needs a intimacy charm and a bottle of aromatized fragrance to encharm her. Roger Full buys both.

Caroline Sukri and Louise Sullivan promise to celebrate next Christmas at The Rooster Claw to see how the charm had worked for Roger Full.

Autumn Equinox, Shaun Thoth is comming to buy more of Madam Sukri's baby balsam for Meredith Bones.

Shaun Thoth confesses to Louise Sullivan, he makes love with Meredith Bones, when she doesn't has an outbreak of her genital pox.

It's not the style of Louise Sullivan to do it with men, but as long as Meredith Bones likes been priked by Shaun Thoth, Louise Sullivan sees no harm done, if Shaun shaggs Meredith Bones, when she don't has an outbreak.

Louise Sullivan and Caroline Sukri still haven't come up with a cure for genital pox, but they are trying to find a charm, which can increase the effect of the baby balsam on genital pox.

Christmas, when Roger and Hillary Full reached The Rooster Claw, Caroline Sukri and Louise Sullivan have already arrived, and are snuggling together at the inn.

While Caroline Sukri is cuddling Louise Sullivan, she's currious to know, if Roger Full had any luck with his undertaking, to score a girl at The Royal Theatre.

Roger Full tells, he just has got the girl laid before he left The Royal Theatre as he left for Christmas vacation, his sister, however, has used half of the contraception potion to bang her boyfriend.

It because Roger Full needs to have his target adligned, and was humping the wrong girl all the time. She had just shagged with her boyfriend.

Roger Full explains, he did gave Fenella Twinley the intimacy charm, he bought for her, but she gave it to her friend, and enchanted by the charm, he kept bumping uglies with Finola Milies instead of Fenella Twinley.

We have to be more careful with the charms because the magic of the charms can backfire.

At her wagon, Caroline Sukri finds 12 bottles of contraception potion to be shared between Hillary and Roger Full an intimacy charm and a bottle of aromatized fragrance for Roger Full he can gifts Fenella Twinley with.

Louise Sullivan hopes, the new intimacy charm wíll contrabalance the first unfortunate charm, but she warns Roger Full, it might make Finola Milies and Fenella Twinley fight over him.

Hillary and Roger Full says goodbey to Caroline Sukri and Louise Sullivan, who exspect to see them next summer at The Red Rooster in Nooxy Joint.


Ealy Summer, Glenn Scott and Charity Carbolt enters the shop 'Sukri and Sullivan'. Both owners are home, so while Louise Sukri talked and served Glenn Scott, Caroline Sukri demonstrats and explained Charity Carbolt the varius remedie the shop has in offer.

Charity Carbolt is impressed by the shop. It has all sorts of potions, balsams, bottles with aromatized fragrance and charms to seduce, lure and capture a lover, and to enhance his or her performances.

Madam Sukri, however, does warn Charity Carbolt agaist men, but Charity doesn't care, and bought some fragrances, charms, contraception potions and a aphrodiciac potion, that will enhance both fertilizy and performances of a lover, though Madam Sukri advice her not to use it, while she still got her virginity.

Glenn Scott is content with the things a newly father needs, some contraception potion, baby balsam and bottles of fragrance for his wife, Mattie Scott.

Late Summer, Madam Sukri leave for the harvest.


Autumn Equinox, Shaun Thoth is comming for his annual batch of baby balsam for Meredith Bones.

Louise Sullivan offers him a free charm, which might increase the effect of the baby balsam, if he wants to try it out for Louise and Madam Sukri.

At The Red Rooster, Shaun Thoth falls in talking with a young Herbalist, Chuck Cronan and pursuade him to come with him to Kingston.


Midsummer, Chuck Cronan comes to Nooxy Joint to buy baby balsam for Shaun Thoth.

Chuck Cronan informs, that the charm, Louise Sullivan offered Shaun Thoth last year, didn't worked the way, they had thought, but he has made Meredith Thoth with child. Hench, he like to stay at home with his wife.

At The Red Rooster, Chuck Cronan meets a young phamacist, Winifried Mayson, and he falls in love with her.

Late Summer, Chuck Cronan pursuaded Winifried Mayson to come with him to Kingston.


Madam Sukri is midwife, when Winifried Cronan gives birth to Norman Cronan.

Madam Sukri teaches Winifried Cronan how to make Madam Sukri’s Beauty Balsam.


While Caroline Sukri is away from Grossbourgh, the shire is attacked and Louise Sullivan is killed. It causes so much sorry for Caroline, that she never settle down at Nooxy Joint again, though she keeps frequently visits her friends and the family of Louise, there.